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A remarkable story of two young adults striking out into an unfamiliar world to completely reorientate their thinking, their values and relationships. Neither knows the other and they have different circumstances to overcome, but when they meet and overcome the unexpected obstacles in their way, a beautiful romance blossoms.
Set between the second world war and the turn of the century their history is very unusual, and it is this that makes their adaptation to new circumstances so difficult and so interesting. Why? They grew up within a very restrictive, exclusive, international group and as they progressed through adolescence, through high school education and the development of serious thinking, they rebelled against it’s all-embracing culture.
Few people understand the pain of rejection and exclusion experienced by being expelled from such a group. Growing up since childhood within the group, our two main characters initially found its daily life basically normal. Outside, of course, was a seditious, seductive and evil “World”, not to be engaged with in any way. Any members finding themselves expelled would immediately be completely ostracised, cut off from fellowship, even possibly from their employment, from previous friends and relatives, to whom they would become pariahs.
This is how Myles’ and Josephine’s story begins.
Strong minded, intelligent and industrious high school student Myles Carrington was eventually considered rebellious; his failure: refusing the authority and instructions of the leaders, which demanded immediate acceptance. All he wanted were sensible answers to his questions, after all!
For years Myles struggled with it, especially when it contradicted scientific fact or even common sense. His father despaired of him, his mother pleaded. Eventually, when he could support himself, he left – to his mother’s heartache and his own, for that matter; the elders simply considered him unfit for further membership and officially expelled him.
Years later, Josephine Kramer, sensible and sensitive young woman, coerced into intercourse by her lusty fiancé on the basis that “betrothal” was part of marriage, found herself pregnant. Pre-marital sex was anathema within the group and when, realising the hopelessness of the proposed marriage, she refused to marry the father, she was deemed unsuitable for further membership and was also expelled.
Were their failures and resistance so great as to deserve this? You be the judge.
Now both had to navigate this awesome, “outside world” alone.
Although leaving the group in different years and pursuing very different careers, they are of different ages and from different areas. Eventually, they meet up and romance blossoms; each having a heart-felt longing for love and understanding. Unavoidably, all is not straightforward; there are many obstacles to overcome before they can be together.
What obstacles? What further struggles ensue?
What they find is real love, not something forced upon them. The psychological element to the story is intriguing as they re-evaluate their beliefs and ethics, and reorientate their minds to a wholly new way of thinking and living.
Discover the intricacies of their pathways in this very rewarding novel. It may challenge your own view of things.