About The Author
Arthur remarked ‘Writing! It can get you in. I’ve wanted to write since schooldays. I remember…and it was a long time ago…I wrote a piece for an essay assignment on Shakespeare’s Richard III, selecting the character of (John of) Gaunt. Can’t remember what I wrote but my teacher commented:
‘I don’t agree with what you’ve written, Fishburn, but I must give you high marks for attempting this and for your argument and the quality of your writing.’
” Well, that was quite encouraging, I must admit“, was my reaction,’ he said.
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I have a First Class Certificate in Wireless Telegraphy, Matriculation,Bookeeping experience and an undergraduate Diploma in Business Administration.
Before joining a large Pharmaceutical Distributor I spent three years in the merchant navy as a ship’s Radio Officer, sailing the coasts of Australia and South East Asia.
On returning to Australia I responded to numerous advertisements for trainee civil engineers with country councils, but by then I was too old. They wanted matriculated youths of 17 years of age, straight out of high school.
Alternatively, I obtained work as a Buyer and Floor Manager in a pharmaceutical drug supplier to chemists. This went well and I remained with the firm for 37 years rising to Inventory Administration Manager. This was responsible and rewarding work.
Over my long working life I have acquired a wealth of life experiences, and these I call upon in my writing to understand and articulate the motivations of the characters.
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I have a strong interest in the environment and wildlife, in working toward a better society in today’s difficult world, and in how religion or the lack of it, bears upon today’s attitudes and relationships and how this affects the development of society.
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During late 1980s and early 1990s I drafted the basic ideas for “Exiles from Eden” but after the illness and demise of my first wife and the death of my father, I simply copied it onto my “286” computer, stored it on 3.5″ disks and left it for several years. It was too controversial at the time.
However, after completing the series, “Fortitude, Resilience and Hope“, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It was a story I just had to tell. I then started researching and rewriting it in 2019. After it had been read and commented on, edited, updated and accepted as readable, I uploaded it to Amazon/Books as an eBook. A paperback is being worked on and will hopefully be out in a few months.
Please take a look at it, here...